Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Aspirin, Overview, Indications, Contraindications & Side effects

Aspirin, Overview, Indications, Contraindications & Side effects  


Aspirin is an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). It has anti-infalammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and antithrombotic activity. It interferes with prostaglandin synthesis by irreversibly inhibiting cyclooxygenase. It was synthesized in 1853, but the drug was not in use until 1899, when it was found to be effective in the arthritis and well tolerated. The name it was coined from the German word for the compound, acetylspirsaure. Because of its greater efficacy and lower cost, it rapidly replaced the natural products in use at that time, and has remained one the most widely employed remedies for over 90 years.


Aspirin is primarily indicated in conditions like Fever, Following coronary bypass surgery, Headache, Inflammation, Ischaemic event (unstable angina, myocardial infarction), Mild to moderate pain, Myocardial infarction, Myocardial infarction prophylaxis, Pain and inflammation (in rheumatic disease, in other musculoskeletal disorders), Prophylaxis of cerebrovascular disease, Pyrexia, Stable angina, Stable angina pectoris, Stroke prophylaxis, and can also be given in adjunctive therapy as an alternative drug of choice in Arterial thromboembolism prophylaxis, Colorectal carcinoma prophylaxis, Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Neurogenic bladder, Osteoarthritis.


Aspirin is contraindicated in conditions like Gl ulceration, Hypoprothrombinemia, Hypersensitivity.

Side Effects:

The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Aspirin, which give rise to further complications include Urticaria, Gi bleeding, Rhinitis, Angioneurotic edema, Hepatitis, Hepatomegaly.Aspirin produces potentially life-threatening effects which include Cerebral hemorrhage, Airway obstruction, Gastric ulceration, Gastric erosion. which are responsible for the discontinuation of Aspirin therapy.The signs and symptoms that are produced after the acute overdosage of Aspirin include Coma, Acidosis, Hyperthermia, Volume depletion, Hyperglycemia, Renal failure, Hyperventilation, Cardiovascular collapse, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Hyperkalemia.The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Aspirin are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Dizziness, Vertigo, Nausea, Vomiting, Tinnitus, Epigastric discomfort, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Respiratory alkalosis, Bleeding.


Aspirin should be used with caution in patients with chronic renal insufficiency, gastric ulcer, severe anemia, and patients intolerant to salicylate. Avoid aspirin in patient with history of blood coagulation defects and if patient taking anticoagulants. Liver function should be monitored in patients receiving large doses of aspirin or in patients with pre-existing hepatic disease in order to prevent reversible, dose dependent hepatotoxicity.

High Risk Groups:

Drug should not be given to Paediatrics, Pregnant Mothers, patients suffering from Kidney dysfunction, patients suffering from Liver Malfunction, and Neonates.If prescribing authority justifies the benefits of the drug against the possible damages he/she should reevaluate them and consult the reference material and previous studies.


Avoid chronic or intermittent high doses during pregnancy; may affect maternal and newborn hemostasis mechanisms, leading to an increased risk of hemorrhage.

Premature closure of the ductus arteriosus may occur if used near term with use of full-dose aspirin.

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